Animal Welfare
Animals are a truly voiceless population. They intersect with communities at every sector - companion animals, wildlife, farm animals - and their well-being is largely predicated on the rules, regulations, and norms set forth by humans. It is our responsibility to consider animal welfare and protection at every intersection in our lives.
The Michelson Center for Public Policy champions lifesaving efforts, prevention of cruelty, and protection of our animal communities by supporting elected offices who craft lifesaving animal welfare legislation and working with government agencies to enact responsible public policy.
What We’re Working On
Keeping Households and Families Together
Millions of households have surrendered companion animals to shelters due to a lack of available pet-inclusive rental housing. The Michelson Center for Public Policy will build on recent ordinances municipalities have passed requiring publicly-financed housing be pet-inclusive, removing barriers for low-income families and homeless pet owners to access fair housing.
Support cruelty-free cosmetics laws
MCPP is advocating to remove language in the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancements (FDASLA) Act of 2022 that would preempt, or erase, existing state restrictions on animal testing for cosmetics. The language would preempt the advancements made in California with the historic passage of SB 1249 (Galgiani) in 2018 that prohibited the sales of cosmetics that used animal testing after 2020. Dr. Michelson and the President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine pens an opinion editorial on this critical issue in the Seattle Times: https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/dont-roll-back-cruelty-free-cosmetics-laws/